Industrial Washing, Vehicle Repair Shop and Inspection Center

Services provided to all Group companies by Autoservice24 Srl.

Tank truck washing in Carbonara Scrivia (AL) is made up of a team of professionals working to provide a rapid and professional service for all customers.
At the Carbonara Scrivia site, all tanks that have contained foodstuffs, both liquid and bulk or powdered, are washed. Washing of tanks that have transported non-food substances is also performed.

The plant consists of three washing tracks, two dedicated to food and one to non-food.

All washed tanks are sealed by means of immovable seals that guarantee cleaning and disinfection before subsequent loading.

Autoservice24 Srl has a Metrological Laboratory located in via di Torre Maggiore 17 – 00040 Pomezia and aims to provide a high quality service for the periodic verification of measuring systems installed on tank trucks and to optimise the time and cost of the verification activity.

It operates in compliance with the provisions of UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 (Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspections) and with the requirements of Decree no. 93 of 21 April 2017.

Autoservice 24, through its workshops in Castelnuovo Scrivia, Novi Ligure, Rome and Livorno, provides a rapid and professional all-round service for the Autosped G Group’s fleet of industrial vehicles. The 24-hour service, carried out in shifts by technicians, allows constant assistance and enables companies to reduce downtime.

There is also a state-of-the-art vehicle overhaul centre in Castelnuovo Scrivia, built in 2018, at which vehicle pre-revisions are carried out and, subsequently, the statutory overhauls by the Engineers of the Civil Motor Vehicle Authority.

Lavaggio industriale, Gruppo Gavio Trasporti

Companies within the Industry

Autoservice 24 S.r.l.